The most useful man in the most useful world, so long as only commodity was served, would remain unsatisfied. But, as fast as he sees beauty, life acquires a very high value.
Ralph Waldo EmersonThe primary wisdom is intuition. In that deep force, the last fact behind which analysis cannot go, all things find their origin.
Ralph Waldo EmersonThe difference between talent and genius is in the direction of the current: in genius, it is from within outward; in talent from without inward.
Ralph Waldo EmersonI see the spectacle of morning from the hilltop over against my house, from daybreak to sunrise, with emotions which an angel might share. The long slender bars of cloud float like fishes in the sea of crimson light. From the earth, as a shore, I look out into that silent sea. I seem to partake its rapid transformations; the active enchantment reaches my dust, and I dilate and conspire with the morning wind.
Ralph Waldo Emerson