They who talk much of destiny, their birth-star, etc., are in a lower dangerous plane, and invite the evils they fear.
Ralph Waldo EmersonWe are taught by great actions that the universe is the property of every individual in it.
Ralph Waldo EmersonWhen a thought of Plato becomes a thought to me,--when a truth that fired the soul of Pindar fires mine, time is no more. When I feel that we two meet in a perception, that our two souls are tinged with the same hue, and do as it were run into one, why should I measure degrees of latitude, why should I count Egyptian years?
Ralph Waldo EmersonThe glance is natural magic. The mysterious communication established across a house between two entire strangers, moves all the springs of wonder. The communication by the glance is in the greatest part not subject to the control of the will. It is the bodily symbol of identity with nature. We look into the eyes to know if this other form is another self, and the eyes will not lie, but make a faithful confession what inhabitant is there.
Ralph Waldo Emerson