The wise know that foolish legislation is a rope of sand, which perishes in the twisting.
Ralph Waldo EmersonThe whole constitution of property on its present tenures, is injurious, and its influence on persons deteriorating and degrading.
Ralph Waldo EmersonThe philanthropists inquire whether Transcendentalism does not mean sloth: they had as lief hear that their friend is dead, as that he is a Transcendentalist; for then is he paralyzed, and can never do anything for humanity.
Ralph Waldo EmersonTherefore all just persons are satisfied with their own praise. They refuse to explain themselves, and are content that new actions should do them that office. They believe that we communicate without speech, and above speech, and that no right action of ours is quite unaffecting to our friends, at whatever distance; for the influence of action is not to be measured by miles.
Ralph Waldo Emerson