Every friend whom not thy fantastic will but the great and tender heart in thee craveth, shall lock thee in his embrace. And this because the heart in thee is the heart of all; not a valve, not a wall, not an intersection is there anywhere in nature, but one blood rolls uninterruptedly in endless circulation through all men, as the water of the globe is all one sea, and, truly seen, its tide is one.
Ralph Waldo EmersonAll men are in some degree impressed by the face of the world; some men even to delight. This love of beauty is taste. Others have the same love in such success that, not content with admiring, they seek to embody it in new forms. The creation of beauty is art.
Ralph Waldo EmersonIt seems as if the day was not wholly profane in which we have given heed to some natural object.
Ralph Waldo EmersonIt is said, no man can write but one book; and if a man have a defect, it is apt to leave its impression on all his performances.
Ralph Waldo Emerson