Conversation in society is found to be on a platform so low as to exclude science, the saint, and the poet.
Ralph Waldo EmersonThe scholar is that man who must take up into himself all the ability of the time, all the contributions of the past, all the hopes of the future. He must be an university of knowledges.
Ralph Waldo EmersonWith each divine impulse the mind rends the thin rinds of the visible and finite, and comes out into eternity, and inspires and expires its air. It converses with truths that have always been spoken in the world, and becomes conscious of a closer sympathy with Zeno and Arrian, than with persons in the house.
Ralph Waldo EmersonWe love it because it is self dependent, self derived, and therefore of an old immaculate pedigree, even if shown in a young person.
Ralph Waldo Emerson