The best university that can be recommended to a man of ideas is the gauntlet of the mob.
Ralph Waldo EmersonWhat forests of laurel we bring, and the tears of mankind, to those who stood firm against the opinion of their contemporaries!
Ralph Waldo EmersonWhat terrible questions we are learning to ask! The former men believed in magic, by which temples, cities, and men were swallowed up, and all trace of them gone. We are coming on the secret of a magic which sweeps out of men's minds all vestige of theism and beliefs which they and their fathers held and were framed upon.
Ralph Waldo EmersonWhoever has had the experience of the moral sentiment cannot choose but believe in unlimited power. Each pulse from that heart isan oath from the Most High. I know not what the word sublime means, if it be not the intimations, in this infant, of a terrific force.
Ralph Waldo Emerson