It now appears that the negro race is, more than any other, susceptible of rapid civilization. The emancipation is observed, in the islands, to have wrought for the negro a benefit as sudden as when a thermometer is brought out of the shade into the sun. It has given him eyes and ears.
Ralph Waldo EmersonThe cure for false theology is motherwit. Forget your books and traditions, and obey your moral perceptions at this hour.
Ralph Waldo EmersonTo say then, the majority are wicked, means no malice, no bad heart in the observer, but, simply that the majority are unripe, andhave not yet come to themselves, do not yet know their opinion.
Ralph Waldo EmersonStyle is only the frame to hold your thoughts. It is like the sash of a window; if heavy, it will obscure the light.
Ralph Waldo EmersonThe moment the doctrine of the immortality is separately taught, man is already fallen. In the flowing of love, in the adoration of humility, there is no question of continuance. No inspired man ever asks this question, or condescends to these evidences. For the soul is true to itself, and the man in whom it is shed abroad cannot wander from the present, which is infinite, to a future which would be finite.
Ralph Waldo Emerson