The time will come when the work of the physician will not be to treat and attempt to heal the body, but to heal the mind, which in turn will heal the body. The true physician will be a teacher; his or her work will be to keep people well, instead of trying to heal them after sickness.
Ralph Waldo TrineHe who lives in the realization of his oneness with this Infinite Power becomes a magnet to attract to himself a continual supply of whatsoever things he desires. ... The one who is truly wise, and who uses the forces and powers with which they are endowed, to them the great universe always opens her treasure house.
Ralph Waldo TrineThere are many who are living far below their possibilities because they are continually handing over their individualities to others. Do you want to be a power in the world? Then be yourself.
Ralph Waldo TrineEvery thought you entertain is a force that goes out, and every thought comes back laden with its kind.
Ralph Waldo TrineIf angels come not to minister us it is because we do not invite them, it is because we keep the door closed through which they might otherwise enter.
Ralph Waldo Trine