More are the names of God and infinite are the forms through which He may be approached. In whatever name and form you worship Him, through them you will realise Him.
RamakrishnaWhen the divine vision is attained, all appear equal; and there remains no distinction of good and bad, or of high and low.
RamakrishnaThe way of love is as true as the way of knowledge. All paths ultimately lead to the same Truth. But as long as God keeps the feeling of ego in us, it is easier to follow the path of love.
RamakrishnaAll religions are true. God can be reached by different religions. Many rivers flow by many ways but they fall into the sea. They all are one.
RamakrishnaCommon men talk bagfuls of religion but do not practise even a grain of it. The wise man speaks a little, even though his whole life is religion expressed in action.
RamakrishnaIt's enough to have faith in one aspect of God. You have faith in God without form. That is very good. But never get into your head that your faith alone is true and every other is false. Know for certain that God without form is real and that God with form is also real. Then hold fast to whichever faith appeals to you.