But persistent name calling? that prolongs hurt. It stretches out. Each nasty word stretches the rubber band further away until finally, one day, it snaps back at you with maximum impact
Randa Abdel-FattahReligious celebrations, and the good will, high spirits and generosity that mark them, are wonderful occasions for understanding the potential of 'everyday multiculturalism', and how people from diverse faiths can connect and show they care, rather than go down parallel, sometimes hostile, roads.
Randa Abdel-FattahWhatโs the good of being true to your religion on the outside, if you donโt change whatโs on the inside,were it really counts ?
Randa Abdel-FattahIt is time Australian Muslims stop being treated as negotiable citizens in their own country. It is time people stop 'tolerating' us, presuming some right to decide if we have a place in our own home.
Randa Abdel-Fattah