The moment that you accept life and your life as it is, is the moment that you will start to change your life and this magical life itself.
Rasheed OgunlaruGoals are only ever a guide; a winding, changing path. It's your heart that will really keep you on tack... and nourished along the way.
Rasheed OgunlaruRest and peace should not be left until you're deceased. They are two vital life incredients everybody needs and seeks.
Rasheed OgunlaruAll I have learned in life really just boils down to this: there is only one difference between the so-called wise and the so-called foolish...and between those who are truly happy and those who are not. Those who are wise - and those who are happy - embrace and appreciate life. Those who are unhappy and unwise do not. That is all; that is the only difference.
Rasheed Ogunlaru