An expenditure of words without income of ideas will lead to intellectual bankruptcy.
Ravi ZachariasTo sustain the belief that there is no God, atheism has to demonstrate infinite knowledge, which is tantamount to saying, โI have infinite knowledge that there is no being in existence with infinite knowledge
Ravi ZachariasTruth has been relegated to subjectivity; beauty has been subjugated to the beholder; and as millions are idiotized night after night, a global commune has been constructed with the arts enjoying a totalitarian rule.
Ravi ZachariasWhat is the message of Christmas? It is the birth of the One who promised peace, joy and love.
Ravi ZachariasI have absolutely no doubt that if you are a praying Christian, your faith in God is what is carrying you, through both the good times and the hard times. However, if you are not a praying person, you are carrying your faith - you are trying to make your faith work for you apart from your source of power - and trying to carry the infinite is very exhausting.
Ravi Zacharias