The Christian faith, simply stated, reminds us that our fundamental problem is not moral; rather, our fundamental problem is spiritual. It is not just that we are immoral, but that a moral life alone cannot bridge what separates us from God. Herein lies the cardinal difference between the moralizing religions and Jesus' offer to us. Jesus does not offer to make bad people good but to make dead people alive.
Ravi ZachariasTo allow God to be God we must follow Him for who He is and what He intends, and not for what we want and what we prefer.
Ravi ZachariasI am absolutely convinced that meaninglessness does not come from being weary of pain; meaninglessness comes from being weary of pleasure. And that is why we find ourselves emptied of meaning with our pantries still full.
Ravi ZachariasOur sense of wonder is a blessing from God, given so that we would be continually amazed at His beauty and creation.
Ravi ZachariasThe denial of an objective moral law, based on the compulsion to deny the existence of God, results ultimately in the denial of evil iteself.
Ravi Zacharias