In India, there is a saying that you can touch your nose directly or you can touch your nose the long way around. You need to go the long way around to reach some people.
Ravi ZachariasChristianity is not a political theory. It is not even a cultural theory. It is, at its root, all about changing the heart of each man and woman, boy and girl, so that we begin to think God's thoughts and act in accordance with his character.
Ravi ZachariasTeaching at best beckons us to morality, but it is not in itself efficacious. Teaching is like a mirror. It can show you if your face is dirty, but it the mirror will not wash your face.
Ravi ZachariasThere is a danger when we give young people only a catalog of dos and don'ts. In these young minds, the gospel is not intellectually credible.
Ravi ZachariasWhile theoretically a person may block God out, logically there will be a breakdown because ultimately all enunciation implies a moral doctrine of some kind. And if that moral doctrine is not absolute then the definer himself becomes undefined. That's what we are living with - an undefined definer giving us definitions for our course, and we are being trapped in the quicksand of the absence of objective truth.
Ravi Zacharias