Make all approaches to the stream with care and caution. Remember that once you are seen you are a great disadvantage if not completely defeated
Ray BergmanUse the longest leader you can handle. Usually you can handle one much longer than you imagine. Remember that the purpose of the leader is to conceal artificiality. If you believe a leader is at all necessary then you must admit that the longer the leader the better chances you have for success
Ray BergmanFish slowly and thoroughly. Haste never pays dividends. Don't whip the stream to a froth. Make fewer cast, make them to places which count an fish each cast out instead of lifting it prematurely
Ray BergmanAnd yet there are many times when it does not make any difference what pattern one uses. One thing is certain. The more bedraggled the fly gets the better the trout like it. I think there is a reason for this. I think the bedraggled half worn out wet fly more closely imitates a nymph than a new one does. Most commercial flies are tied too bushy and full. A little trimming of wings and thinning out of hackles will often work wonders.
Ray Bergman