There are a lot of wonderful women writers who would be good influences on writers. You've got to spread yourself out and educate yourself with all kinds of stories.
Ray BradburyNot to write, for many of us, is to die. We must take ares each and every day, perhaps knowing that the battle cannot be entirely won, but fight we must, if only a gentle bout. The smallest effort to win means, at the end of each day, a sort of victory.
Ray BradburyCollecting facts is important. Knowledge is important. But if you don't have an imagination to use the knowledge, civilization is nowhere.
Ray BradburyMost members of Congress are politicians. They're bores. They're damn boring. They have no imagination, and they don't know how to imagine the future.
Ray BradburyThis afternoon, burn down the house. Tomorrow, pour critical water upon the simmering coals. Time enough to think and cut and rewrite tomorrow. But today-explode-f ly-apart-disint egrate! The other six or seven drafts are going to be pure torture. So why not enjoy the first draft, in the hope that your joy will seek and find others in the world who, by reading your story, will catch fire, too?
Ray Bradbury