The pamphlets going back to London telling of the violent derring-dos of the Bahamian pirates were the ones that brought infamy to the names of Charles Vane and Blackbeard. How much of that is really documented history? It carries a flavor with it, but take all this with a pinch of salt.
Ray StevensonHistory is written by victors and, occasionally, sensationalist journalists. I mean that with the best respect.
Ray StevensonI don't think you see a pirate with a parrot on his shoulder, for example. And even with the accents.
Ray StevensonThe way Shakespeare wrote Fallstaff is with a heightened language and everything. That's the genuis of having Ken Branagh here as well. Shakespeare doesn't require you to have a doctorate in his language or whatever to understand him. It just has to be directed and played right. It's all about scale and presence and getting these huge, epic stories across.
Ray StevensonThe weird thing is, in America, people were saying, "You're not going to get recognized because all you're going to see is basically your forehead and eyes."
Ray StevensonThe pamphlets going back to London telling of the violent derring-dos of the Bahamian pirates were the ones that brought infamy to the names of Charles Vane and Blackbeard. How much of that is really documented history? It carries a flavor with it, but take all this with a pinch of salt.
Ray Stevenson