There's something strange about you-" she started to say. Oh, well, thanks!" he chuckled, his brown eyes twinkling at her.
Regina DomanMy parents reverted to their Catholic faith through the charismatic renewal, so I was raised charismatic.
Regina DomanHow do you say 'bring me sausage and eggs or I'll slit your throat' in Italian?" "Look it up in the phrase book.
Regina DomanBlanche, prosaic in a pale yellow sweater and blue jeans, was wondering again if anything matteredโ-life, faith--specifically, finishing homework assignments.
Regina DomanBear heard Rose in the background saying, 'Why thank you, Mr. Fish.' 'Good redhead. Helpful redhead,' Fish returned.
Regina DomanI won't get killed,' Rose protested. Is that a promise?' Fish asked dryly, stirring his tea. 'If you break your word, I'll never believe you again.' Rose shook her head at him. 'How can you even taste your tea if you put that much sugar in it?' Don't change the subject. I don't want to be responsible for depriving the world of Rose Brier. Under no circumstances are you allowed to help us do anything more dangerous than...change the oil in my car.
Regina Doman