Free enterprise, individual opportunity, limited government. They made America great; only they can keep America strong.
Reince PriebusI mean, Rex Tillerson is in the business of exploring and finding oil across the globe.
Reince PriebusThis is all very interesting, but Donald Trump won in an electoral landslide that had nothing to do with the Russians.
Reince PriebusWe have done so many things that are noteworthy and an accomplishment one day after the next. The storyline should not be about bogus Russian spy stories. They should be that this president has accomplished more in the first 30 days of this presidency than people can possibly remember in a very long time.
Reince PriebusAt the end of the day, the only things that are shovel ready around here are the words coming out of Barack Obama and Joe Biden's mouth.
Reince PriebusWhat hasn't been talked about a lot is that President Trump signed an order that puts in place a constant deregulatory form within the federal government. And what it says is, for every regulation presented for passage that Cabinet secretary has to identify two that person would eliminate. And that's a big deal.
Reince Priebus