To distract from the president's disappointing record, Team Obama has decided to base their entire campaign on attacking the private sector and Mitt Romney's career as a successful businessman.
Reince PriebusWhat hasn't been talked about a lot is that President Trump signed an order that puts in place a constant deregulatory form within the federal government. And what it says is, for every regulation presented for passage that Cabinet secretary has to identify two that person would eliminate. And that's a big deal.
Reince PriebusThere's an obsession by the media to delegitimize Donald Trump, and we are not going to sit around and let it happen. We're going to fight back tooth and nail every day, and twice on Sunday.
Reince PriebusCategory after category, Barack Obama hasn't met the promises that he laid out to the American people.
Reince PriebusThe Republican path to victory is compromised when gay Americans are perceived as being attacked for just being how God created them.
Reince PriebusRussia and other countries have been hacking and attempting to attack American institutions for years, that Russia's attack on American elections has been going back for over 50 years. So this is nothing new. And the fact that this particular hack was perpetrated by Russian entities is something that no one is disputing.
Reince Priebus