Criticism per se does not worry me. I've always solicited it as part of the design process.
Rem KoolhaasThe stronger the identity, the more it imprisons, the more it resists expansion, interpretation, renewal, contradiction.
Rem KoolhaasThe people from the suburbs are bringing along their suburban values: cleanliness, orderliness, safety - dullness, in other words. As a result, urban areas are being hollowed out. Just look at Times Square in New York. No more sex shops, no drugs, no homeless people. The area is clinically clean and incredibly dull.
Rem KoolhaasThe acceptance of certain realities doesn't preclude idealism. It can lead to certain breakthroughs.
Rem KoolhaasThe Grid makes the history of architecture and all previous lessons of urbanism irrelevant. It forces Manhattan's builders to develop a new system of formal values, to invent strategies for the distinction of one block from another. The Grid's two-dimensional discipline also creates undreamt-of freedom for three-dimensional anarchy. The Grid defines a new balance between control and de-control in which the city can be at the same time ordered and fluid, a metropolis of rigid chaos.
Rem Koolhaas