Be that as it may, there is fixed in my mind a certain opinion of long standing, namely that there exists a God who is able to do anything and by whom I, such as I am, have been created. How do I know that he did not bring it about that there is no earth at all, no heavens, no extended thing, no shape, no size, no place, and yet bringing it about that all these things appear to me to exist precisely as they do now?
Rene DescartesThere is nothing so far removed from us as to be beyond our reach, or so hidden that we cannot discover it.
Rene DescartesThere is nothing so strange and so unbelievable that it has not been said by one philosopher or another.
Rene DescartesBecause the only thing that makes us men, and distinguishes us from the beasts, I would prefer to believe that it exists, in its entirety, in each of us.
Rene Descartes