It is contrary to reasoning to say that there is a vacuum or space in which there is absolutely nothing.
Rene DescartesIt's the familiar love-hate syndrome of seduction: "I don't really care what it is I say, I care only that you like it."
Rene DescartesIf we possessed a thorough knowledge of all the parts of the seed of any animal (e.g. man), we could from that alone, be reasons entirely mathematical and certain, deduce the whole conformation and figure of each of its members, and, conversely if we knew several peculiarities of this conformation, we would from those deduce the nature of its seed.
Rene DescartesInstead I ought to be grateful to Him who never owed me anything for having been so generous to me, rather than think that He deprived me of those things or has taken away from me whatever He did not give me.
Rene DescartesMathematics is a more powerful instrument of knowledge than any other that has been bequeathed to us by human agency.
Rene DescartesIn philosophy, when we make use of false principles, we depart the farther from the knowledge of truth and wisdom exactly in proportion to the care with which we cultivate them, and apply ourselves to the deduction of diverse consequences from them, thinking that we are philosophizing well, while we are only departing the farther from the truth; from which it must be inferred that they who have learned the least of all that has been hitherto distinguished by the name of philosophy are the most fitted for the apprehension of truth.
Rene Descartes