Now therefore, that my mind is free from all cares, and that I have obtained for myself assured leisure in peaceful solitude, I shall apply myself seriously and freely to the general destruction of all my former opinions.
Rene DescartesBefore examining this more carefully and investigating its consequences, I want to dwell for a moment in the contemplation of God, to ponder His attributes in me, to see, admire, and adore the beauty of His boundless light, insofar as my clouded insight allows. Believing that the supreme happiness of the other life consists wholly of the contemplation of divine greatness, I now find that through less perfect contemplation of the same sort I can gain the greatest joy available in this life.
Rene DescartesSo far, I have been a spectator in this theater which is the world, but I am now about to mount the stage, and I come forward masked.
Rene DescartesLet whoever can do so deceive me, he will never bring it about that I am nothing, so long as I continue to think I am something.
Rene DescartesFor to be possessed of a vigorous mind is not enough; the prime requisite is rightly to apply it.
Rene DescartesIt must not be thought that it is ever possible to reach the interior earth by any perseverance in mining: both because the exterior earth is too thick, in comparison with human strength; and especially because of the intermediate waters, which would gush forth with greater impetus, the deeper the place in which their veins were first opened; and which would drown all miners.
Rene Descartes