In 1946, Oxford University in England was offered large funds to create a new Institute of Human Nutrition. The University refused the funds on the ground that the knowledge of human nutrition was essentially complete, and that the proposed institution would soon run out of meaningful research projects.
Rene Dubos... each type of civilization has had diseases peculiar to it and at each period the various social groups in any community also have differed in this regard.
Rene DubosHuman destiny is bound to remain a gamble, because at some unpredictable time and in some unforeseeable manner nature will strike back.
Rene DubosIt is possible to analyze the biological and social influences that make each human being unique, unprecedented, and unrepeatable, but this analysis does not explain how and why each feels different from all other human beings.
Rene DubosSocial evolution may be the result of intention, but it rarely, if ever, produces the result intended.
Rene Dubos