Whether you have been aware of your thoughts in the past or not, now you are becoming aware. Right now, with the knowledge of The Secret, you are waking up from a deep sleep and becoming aware!
Rhonda ByrneYour life right now is a reflection of your past thoughts. That includes all the great things, and all the things you consider not so great. Since you attract to you what you think about most, it is easy to see what your dominant thoughts have been on every subject of your life, because that is what you have experienced. Until now!
Rhonda ByrneFocus on being grateful for what you have already .. enjoy it!! Then release into the universe. The universe will manifest it.
Rhonda ByrneStart telling the story of your amazing life, and the law of attraction must make sure you receive it!
Rhonda ByrneDo not worry at all about negative thoughts, and do not try to control them. All you have to do is begin to think good thoughts each day. Plant as many good thoughts as you can in each day. As you begin to think good thoughts you will attract more and more good thoughts, and eventually the good thoughts will wipe out the negative thoughts altogether.
Rhonda Byrne