Life is supposed to be fun! When you're having fun, you feel great and you receive great things! Having fun brings the life you want, and taking things too seriously brings a life you have to take seriously.
Rhonda ByrneThe Secret gives you anything you want: happiness, health, and wealthโฆThoughts become things!...Say this over to yourself and let it seep into your consciousness and your awareness. Your thoughts become thingsโฆ.If you can think about what you want in your mind, and make that your dominant thought, you will bring it into your life.
Rhonda ByrneWhatever is in your magnetic field is attracting to itself, and so the more love in your field, the more power you have to attract the things you love.
Rhonda ByrneYou cannot create in another's life against their will, but if it is something they want, your thoughts are a real force that helps them.
Rhonda ByrneSo how do you fall in love with life? The same way you fall in love with another person -- you adore everything about them! You fall in love with another person by seeing only love, hearing only love, speaking only love, and by feeling love with all your heart! And that is exactly how you use the ultimate power of love in love with life.
Rhonda Byrne