When you realize your potential to feel good, you will ask no one to be different in order for you to feel good.
Rhonda Byrneyou parrot negative things and squawk about the things you don't love, you are literally jailing yourself, like a parrot in a cage. Every time you talk about what you don't love, you are adding another bar to the cage and you are locking yourself away from all the good.
Rhonda ByrneLife is not about negative circumstances that happen to you, it's about what you do with the golden opportunities hidden within!
Rhonda ByrneKeep ramping up your level of joy every day. There is no limit to the levels of joy you can reach. You will see change to the degree of joy that you can attain and maintain. The higher the joy you can create within you, the more spectacular the change, and the higher the joy, the faster the change. Your emanation of joy attracts more Joy. The law of attraction will continually send you more feelings of joy!
Rhonda Byrne