I mean, the first “Back to the Future” is kind of a perfect script, I think. In terms of handling time travel the best, it depends on your definition. To me, that means it effectively uses it in the story.
Rian JohnsonShowing your movie to an audience... it's like your kid doing a piano recital. 'Just let it not fail. Please.
Rian JohnsonThe critical reaction to 'Bloom' has been similar to 'Brick.' There are people on board with it and people who are not.
Rian JohnsonBack before 'Brick,' I wrote a short film that I never ended up shooting: hit men in the present who work for a mob in the future who send their victims back in time. A guy is sent his future self, he lets him run, and the whole short was them chasing each other across the city. That sat in a drawer for 10 years until after I made 'Brothers Bloom.
Rian Johnson