I am very attracted to the United States. Why? Well, as a little kid from Southern Italy, not from a wealthy family, it was always my dream to go to the Big Apple. I'm not one to listen to classical music. I am very much for what is American, but I also prefer the America of the ghetto. I love the Bronx. I love hip-hop and R&B. I love electro-Latino, Latin music, that whole realm.
Riccardo TisciI always think about the streets because that's where I come from and that's where I'm going to die one day. That is my life.
Riccardo TisciIn the beginning I didn't want to do a menswear collection. It felt a little forced. And then I found that it was an amazing world.
Riccardo TisciMost little children's obsessions are robots and Barbie dolls. My obsession as a kid was the Versace house. I used to save up my pocket money to buy Versus shirts. I was that obsessed!
Riccardo Tisci