I do think - you look at actually what WikiLeaks came out with, most of it was just gossipy interest, except for like this Doug Band memo from a Clinton crony in black and white who explained the Clinton Foundation was a profit center for Bill Clinton and people around him.The Russians didn't make that up, that was all Hillary's [Clinton] vulnerability her own.
Rich LowryYes, this is 21st-century America. Where we have better means to treat mental illness than ever before, but choose to let the insane people decide to get it or not.
Rich LowryWe are a product of our families, schools, and churches. Without the liberty and rule of law that characterize America, entrepreneurship would indeed be impossible. Any successful American who is not a patriot is a rank ingrate.
Rich LowryThe case against Jeff Sessions was threadbare three decades ago. It's based on hearsay and innuendo and a joke he made about the Klan.
Rich Lowry