According to the United Nations Special Commission [UNSCOM], which carried out inspections in Iraq for the better part of a decade, Iraq possesses some 25,000 liters of anthrax. This is, for the record, more than 5 million teaspoons of anthrax. And we have no idea where any of it is. Saddam Hussein has never accounted for one grain of it.
Richard ArmitageYou have to remove your human sentiment when it comes to greed and the accumulation of wealth.
Richard ArmitageYou can have your beliefs, but if you're not devout, you can't quite believe that something which grows out of a story, a book or a piece of literature can rise to dominate and make entire nations go to war with each other. I think that's endlessly fascinating, and it's a human construct. It's something that's constructed to occupy the mind and occupy society, and some people would say to control society.
Richard ArmitageWhat could be better in al-Qaeda's mind than to have India and Pakistan going at each other? What more to further their aims?
Richard Armitage