I'm not interested in building wealth, which is kind of naive and probably frowned on, living in America. It's something that people don't necessarily understand, but if I die poor, I die poor.
Richard ArmitageYou have to remove your human sentiment when it comes to greed and the accumulation of wealth.
Richard ArmitageI have an accountant, obviously, because I'm self employed, and I use an independent financial adviser. I trust my accountant because we have worked together for a long time now.
Richard ArmitageDo people really think that about my nose? I spent my whole life hating it, so its amusing that people like it!
Richard ArmitageThe development of weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to carry them would be a very destabilizing effect, should Iran be able to accomplish that.
Richard ArmitageThe CIA estimates that Iraq probably has a few hundred metric tons of chemical weapons agents, for mustard gas, sarin, and other deadly concoctions. This is addition to an extensive capacity to produce biological weapons, including anthrax and ricin, which is fatal within 24 to 36 hours of exposure.
Richard Armitage