Believe you know all the answers, and you know all the answers. Believe you're a master, and you are.
Richard BachThat which most concerns and worries you - your survival - is the only certainty you have.
Richard BachAs long as we believe in sequential time, we see becoming instead of being. Beyond time, we are all one.
Richard BachLife does not require us to be consistent, cruel, patient, helpful, angry, rational, thoughtless, loving, rash, open-minded, neurotic, careful, rigid, tolerant, wasteful, rich, downtrodden, gentle, sick, considerate, funny, stupid, healthy, greedy, beautiful, lazy, responsive, foolish, sharing, pressured, intimate, hedonistic, industrious, manipulative, insightful, capricious, wise, selfish, kind or sacrificed. Life does, however, require us to live with the consequences of our choices.
Richard Bach