For centuries the most powerful argument for God's existence from the physical world was the so-called argument from design: Living things are so beautiful and elegant and so apparently purposeful, they could only have been made by an intelligent designer. But [Charles] Darwin provided a simpler explanation. His way is a gradual, incremental improvement starting from very simple beginnings and working up step by tiny incremental step to more complexity, more elegance, more adaptive perfection.
Richard DawkinsEven if there were no actual evidence in favor of the Darwinian theory, we should still be justified in preferring it over all rival theories.
Richard DawkinsWe have sexual lust even though we know perfectly well that, because we're using contraception, it is not going to result in the propagation of our genes. That doesn't matter, because the lust was built into our brains at a time when there was no contraception.
Richard DawkinsEvolution is just a theory? Well, so is gravity and I don't see you jumping out of buildings.
Richard Dawkins