I think a lot of times photo sessions is just a test, maybe, for models. Sometimes it's for money. I'm going to shoot a girl in a couple weeks in Italy who has been writing me for a couple years. She sends photos all the time and it's kind of like a game. A lot of times people write and then they just want to see if I'm interested. If I say I am, I never hear from them again.
Richard KernThe model is just one element of the photograph. There's also the location, the light - all that junk. It helps if the girl is really good-looking, but a girl can be not super good-looking and it'd still be a really good photograph. I ask people to send some photos of where they live if that's where I'm shooting. I go for shabby places over too-nice places, because most of these girls are going to look better if they're not made to look rich.
Richard KernNot for models. SuicideGirls is a mystery to me because I thought only women ran the site.
Richard KernIt's like a visual connection between the girl I'm shooting and me, a bunch of triggers. A lot of girls I'll just shoot once or twice, but with certain special ones I'll go a bit further.
Richard Kern