Do it yourself. Keep going. Many people have said these things to me many times and both are good pieces of advice. I like getting on with things.
Richard NorrisThere's no such thing as the greatest album ever. There's no greatest book, greatest human, greatest movie. At a push, the closest record to perfection I know is What's Going On by Marvin Gaye or The Beach Boys' Pet Sounds but possibly because they are widely recognized as such.
Richard NorrisThe process of creativity, absorbing aspects of life and channeling it into something shared or tangible - that's my ideal brain food. The irony to this is that the more creative I have became, the less I listen to of other peoples music.
Richard NorrisI'd like to be remembered for music that moves people, that takes them some place else, that means something to them, reminds them of a good time or place, some memory, some positive moment.
Richard Norris