It is our responsibility as scientists, knowing the great progress which comes from a satisfactory philosophy of ignorance, the great progress which is the fruit of freedom of thought, to proclaim the value of this freedom; to teach how doubt is not to be feared but welcomed and discussed; and to demand this freedom as our duty to all coming generations.
Richard P. FeynmanOne does not, by knowing all the physical laws as we know them today, immediately obtain an understanding of anything much. I love only nature, and I hate mathematicians.
Richard P. FeynmanScientific knowledge is an enabling power to do either good or bad — but it does not carry instructions on how to use it.
Richard P. FeynmanWhile I am describing to you how Nature works, you won't understand why Nature works that way. But you see, nobody understands that.
Richard P. FeynmanA philosopher once said, 'It is necessary for the very existence of science that the same conditions always produce the same results.' Well, they don't!
Richard P. FeynmanThus we can get the correct answer for the probability of partial reflection by imagining (falsely) that all reflection comes from only the front and back surfaces. In this intuitively easy analysis, the 'front surface' and 'back surface' arrows are mathematical constructions that give us the right answer, whereas .... a more accurate representation of what is really going on: partial reflection is the scattering of light by electrons inside the glass.
Richard P. Feynman