Friends, I'm angry about what's happening in politics today! Why is it wrong to ask the wealthiest people and most profitable corporations to pay their fair share?
Richard TrumkaYou see, to me, it doesnt really matter if an elected official has a D or an R behind her name, or his name. I honestly dont give a damn about who belongs to either political party.
Richard TrumkaBetter world. Better life for everybody, every worker. Poor kids oughta be able to go anyplace their brains will take them. Not where Daddy or Mommy's pocketbooks can send them. Everybody oughta have health care, everybody oughta have some retirement security, every American. Every one. Everybody oughta have a decent good job. That's what I believe in, and that's what I fight every day to try to achieve.
Richard TrumkaWorking people really amaze me. When you give them all the facts, they make the right decision every single time.
Richard Trumka