I had prepared myself for prison and torture as a soldier in peacetime prepares for the hardships of war. I had studied the lives of Christians who had faced similar pains and temptations to surrender and thought how I might adapt their experiences. Many who had not so prepared themselves were crushed by suffering, or deluded into saying what they should not.
Richard WurmbrandIt was in prison that we found the hope of salvation for the Communists. It was there that we developed a sense of responsibility toward them. It was in being tortured by them that we learned to love them.
Richard WurmbrandWhoever wishes to meet Jesus must meet him in places where brothers and sisters of Jesus are hungry, thirsty, naked, unwanted, sick or in prison. Whoever keeps himself distant from these places remains distant from Jesus.
Richard WurmbrandGod is the Truth. The Bible is the truth about the Truth. Theology is the truth about the truth about the Truth.
Richard WurmbrandNot all of us are called to die a martyrโs death, but all of us are called to have the same spirit of self-sacrifice and love to the very end as these martyrs had.
Richard WurmbrandIn prayer, something like an echo takes place. When you strike a note on the piano, corresponding strings in all the other pianos in the room start to vibrate. It is just the same when we express a pure wish in our ardent prayers: all around us we mobilize angels who are inspired by the same wish.
Richard Wurmbrand