What have I done?" I whispered. Jill put her arm around me, but it was Dimitri who spoke. "What you had to.
Richelle MeadBlake smiled radiantly. สบMay I call you Vasilisa?สบ สบYou can call me Lissa.สบ สบYou can also,สบ added Christian, สบlet go of her hand now.
Richelle MeadI'm not worthy of that," I said. I might be human now, but I understand how powerful a heavenly creature Carter was. "I don't deserve that much regard." He reached out and tipped my chin up. "You do, Georgina. And if you don't believe me now, then strive to be. Live you life. Be kind. Love those you know. Love those you don't know. be worthy of your soul." A tear escaped, rolling down my cheek and probably messing up my mortal mascara. "Thank you, Carter. Thank you for everything.
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