Coming to my rescue?' 'Of course. It's what we do. I rescue you; you rescue me. We just take turns whenever the other needs it.
Richelle MeadA different word usually came to my mind when I thought of Yeva, though it did sound a lot like โwitch.
Richelle MeadI looked back and forth at them in amazement. I didn't know if I was witnessing a fight or foreplay. I wasn't thrilled about either option.
Richelle MeadYou did what you did out of love. I can't be mad at you over that. It was stupid, but that's how love is. Do you have any idea what I'd do for you? To keep you safe?
Richelle MeadIf it makes you feel any better, youโre not as bad as Keith. He was here earlier today and was so nervous, he literally kept looking over his shoulder.โ Lee paused thoughtfully. โI think it might have been because Adrian kept laughing like a mad scientist at those old black-and-white movies he was watching.
Richelle Mead