I start to unbutton his shirt. "Got to get these clothes off," I mutter. "You don't know how long I've waited to hear you say that." Smile. Lopsided. Sexy.
Rick YanceyHow oft do they rescue or ruin us, through whimsy or design or a combination of both, the adults to whom we entrust our care!
Rick YanceyBut hope is no less realistic than despair. It is still our choice whether to live in light or lie down in darkness.
Rick YanceyI was woefully ignorant in the social graces. I was being raised, after all, by Pellinore Warthrop.
Rick YanceyShe looks at me out of the side of her uncovered eye. "Chess, Zombie: defending yourself from the move that hasn't happened yet. Does it matter that he doesn't light up through our eyepieces? That he missed us when he could have taken us own? If two possibilities are equally probable but mutually exclusive, which one matters the most? Which one do you bet your life on?
Rick Yancey