When you make a record, your own record, and you don't even recognize it yourself, it's hard to think if anybody else is going to recognize.
Robbie RobertsonWhile I was there, I was just gathering images and names, and ideas and rhythms, and I was storing all of these things - which I didn't realize I was doing - but I was storing them all in an attic in my mind somewhere. And when it was time to sit down and write songs, when I reached into the attic to see what I was gonna write about, that's what was there.
Robbie RobertsonThe Beatles tried to do some tours and found it to be completely pointless and became a non-touring band after that, and with very good reason.
Robbie RobertsonWhen people get together that come from different musical backgrounds, a lot of times there's is a good ... it's very enjoyable to say somebody, let me turn you on to some things, and the other person does the same thing. And they play you stuff that maybe you weren't that familiar with and likewise.
Robbie Robertson