In summary, Intelligence Intensification is desirable, because there is not a single problem confronting humanity that is not either caused or considerably worsened by the prevailing stupidity (insensitivity) of the species: badly wired robots bumping into and maiming and killing each other.
Robert Anton WilsonYe have locked yerselves up in cages of fear and, behold, do ye now complain that ye lack FREEDOM!
Robert Anton WilsonFollowing Korzybski, I put things in probabilities, not absolutes... My only originality lies in applying this zetetic attitude outside the hardest of the hard sciences, physics, to softer sciences and then to non-sciences like politics, ideology, jury verdicts and, of course, conspiracy theory.
Robert Anton WilsonStupidity is like bumping into a wall all the time. After a while you get tired of it and try to look the situation over and see if thereโs a doorway somewhere. I think most people eventually do look for the doorway and stop bumping into the wall
Robert Anton WilsonMy goal is to try to get people into a state of generalized agnosticism, not agnosticism about God alone, but agnosticism about everything.
Robert Anton WilsonIt's not true unless it makes you laugh, but you don't understand it until it makes you weep.
Robert Anton WilsonMost of the characteristics which make for success in writing are precisely those which we are all taught to repress ... the firm belief that you are an important person, that you are a lot smarter than most people, and that your ideas are so damned important that everybody should listen to you.
Robert Anton Wilson