In every state of the Union, Fundamentalists still fight to ban all the science they dislike and prosecute all who teach it. To them, 'traditional family values' denotes their right to keep their children as ignorant as their grandparents (and to hate the same folks grand-dad hated.)
Robert Anton WilsonThe novels that get praised in the NY Review of Books aren't worth reading. Ninety-seven percent of science fiction is adolescent rubbish, but good science fiction is the best and only literature of our times.
Robert Anton WilsonBelief Systems contradict both science and ordinary "common sense." B.S. contradicts science, because it claims certitude and science can never achieve certitude: it can only say, "This model"- or theory, or interpretation of the data- "fits more of the facts known at this date than any rival model." We can never know if the model will fit the facts that might come to light in the next millennium or even in the next week.
Robert Anton WilsonMost of the characteristics which make for success in writing are precisely those which we are all taught to repress ... the firm belief that you are an important person, that you are a lot smarter than most people, and that your ideas are so damned important that everybody should listen to you.
Robert Anton WilsonThere are periods of history when the visions of madmen and dope fiends are a better guide to reality than the common-sense interpretation of data available to the so-called normal mind. This is one such period, if you haven't noticed already.
Robert Anton WilsonIt is a great privilege to be conscious in this universe. Those who understand, shine like stars.
Robert Anton WilsonBeyond a certain point, the whole universe becomes a continuous process of initiation.
Robert Anton Wilson"Every national border in Europe," El Eswad added ironically, "marks the place where two gangs of bandits got too exhausted to kill each other anymore and signed a treaty. Patriotism is the delusion that one of these gangs of bandits is better than all the others."
Robert Anton WilsonPeople who've been through our educational system, they think they're thinking, when they're just repeating like parrots.
Robert Anton WilsonMR. KHARIS: 'Does Mr. Celine seriously suggest that the United States Government is in need of a guardian?' MR. CELINE: 'I am merely offering a way out for your client. Any private individual with a record of such incessant murder and robbery would be glad to cop an insanity plea. Do you insist that your client was in full possession of its reason at Wounded Knee? At Hiroshima? At Dresden?' JUSTICE IMMHOTEP: 'You become facetious, Mr. Celine.' MR. CELINE: 'I have never been more serious.
Robert Anton WilsonThe future is up for grabs. It belongs to any and all who will take the risk and accept the responsibility of consciously creating the future they want.
Robert Anton WilsonGovernments are based pincipally on force and deception. Democratic governments are based chiefly on deception, other governments on force. And democratic governments, if you get too uppity, give up on the deception and resort to brute force, as a lot of us found out in the sixites. Those who didn't find out in the sixites will find out in the near future because we're going to have a rerun.
Robert Anton WilsonThe Right's view of government and the Left's view of big business are both correct.
Robert Anton WilsonHuman society as a whole is a vast brainwashing machine whose semantic rules and sex roles create a social robot.
Robert Anton WilsonIt only takes 20 years for a liberal to become a conservative without changing a single idea.
Robert Anton WilsonI really dread serious people. Especially serious, dogmatic people. I regard them as sort of what Reich called the emotional plague. I regard them as very dangerous.
Robert Anton Wilson