That there is a Spring, or Elastical power in the Air we live in. By which ελατνρ [elater] or Spring of the Air, that which I mean is this: That our Air either consists of, or at least abounds with, parts of such a nature, that in case they be bent or compress'd by the weight of the incumbent part of the Atmosphere, or by any other Body, they do endeavour, as much as in them lies, to free themselves from that pressure, by bearing against the contiguous Bodies that keep them bent.
Robert BoyleThere is no less invention in aptly applying a thought found in a book, than in being the first author of the thought.
Robert BoyleIn the Bible the ignorant may learn all requisite knowledge, and the most knowing may learn to discern their ignorance.
Robert BoyleIt is not strange to me that persons of the fair sex should like, in all things about them, the handsomeness for which they find themselves most liked.
Robert Boyle