For all of the advice in the magazines on "How to Keep your Love Alive," the salvation of love is not the prolongation of sexual desire but the shared lifelong cultivation of a romantic lightheartedness that softens conflicts and anxieties and focuses serious attention even as it undermines seriousness as such. It's hard to fall out of love so long as you're laughing together.
Robert C. SolomonAll trust involves vulnerability and risk, and nothing would count as trust if there were no possibility of betrayal.
Robert C. SolomonWhether one sees the world as God's creation or as a secular mystery that science is on the way to figuring out, there is no denying the beauty and majesty of everything from mountain ranges, deserts, and rain forests to the exquisite details in the design of an ordinary mosquito.
Robert C. SolomonHigh kitsch, whatever else may be said of it, cannot be openly dismissed as cheap.
Robert C. Solomon