Resurrecting American democracy is vital to averting climate catastrophe. We must first repeal the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, which has flooded elections with billions of oily petrodollars from carbon tycoons.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.We need election reform because our elections are being stolen. And these huge powerful voting machine vending companies have privatized the election process in our country.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.The first sign of tyranny is government's complicity in privatizing the commons for private gain.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.One out of every six American women has so much mercury in her womb that her children are at risk for a grim inventory of diseases, including autism, blindness, mental retardation and heart, liver and kidney disease.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.We know more about Tom [Cruise] and Katie [Holmes] than we do about global warming. We're the most entertained, least informed people in the world.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.Twenty-two percent of Americans say their primary news source is Fox News. It's divided our country in a way that we haven't been divided probably since the Civil War, and its empowered large corporations to get certain kinds of politicians and ideologues who are in the United State Congress elected -- the Tea Party ideologues who control the Republican Party.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.