As one looks across the barren stretches of the pack, it is sometimes difficult to realise what teeming life exists immediately beneath its surface.
Robert Falcon ScottI may not have proved a great explorer, but we have done the greatest march ever made and come very near to great success.
Robert Falcon ScottEvery day some new fact comes to light - some new obstacle which threatens the gravest obstruction. I suppose this is the reason which makes the game so well worth playing.
Robert Falcon ScottThe dog is almost human in its demand for living interest, yet fatally less than human in its inability to foresee.
Robert Falcon ScottJurors realize that instead of having to make that terrible decision (voting for the death penalty), they can vote to put someone in prison and ensure that defendant is no longer a harm to society. It makes it easier for them to return a verdict of life without the possibility of parole.
Robert Falcon Scott